RESNET Buildings Registry
Rating Upload Best Practices
Updated July 22, 2014
There are two ways a rating upload can go wrong which are described below:
#1: Create a Duplicate Registry Entry
When revising a previously uploaded rating, it is important to make the revisions to the input file that was used to upload that rating. This is because when a rating is uploaded, it is assigned a Registry ID that is stored in the input file. When a revision to the rating is made, the registry recognizes the submission as a revision rather than a new rating by the presense of that Registry ID.
When an older version of the input file is revised, which does not contain the Registry ID of the original submission, the registry does not recognize the rating submission as a revision and uploads it as a new, duplicate rating.
Solution #1: Make all revisions to the input file used to submit the rating to the Buildings Registry
Solution #2: Login to, view the rating you would like to revise, and click on "Download Input File". This input file will contain the correct Registry ID for that rating and is ready to be downloaded, revised, and re-submitted.
To manage previously submitted duplicate ratings, find instructions here.
#2: Submit a New Rating as a Revision
The other common occurance is revising a previously submitted input file for a similar building. To do this, you must not use an input file that has been previously submitted to the registry. This will cause a revision to the original rating rather than the registration of a new rating.
Solution: Use a version of the input file that has not been previously submitted.